Spelling City!
You can use spelling city to practice your words!
Date: 5/29 - 6/2 We are done! I will keep the lists up on spelling city if you want to work on them over the summer.
Spelling words:
You can use spelling city to practice your words!
Date: 5/29 - 6/2 We are done! I will keep the lists up on spelling city if you want to work on them over the summer.
Spelling words:
Sight Words
These words should be read without sounding out!
These words should be read without sounding out!
Vocab words:
These are words that will help us understand our stories for the week.
Please help your child master these words at home.
*Make sight word flash cards (make two sets and play memory!)
*Hang the word list on your fridge or a place where your child will see it every day.
*Write sentences using the spelling and/or sight words.
*Go to http://www.spellingcity.com/ and practice spelling while playing games! If you need another instruction sheet for this website, let me know.