*To communicate and collaborate with parents, friends, and family*

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Master Winkler

Master Winkler from Lee's Champion Tae Kwondo Academy came to our class and taught us about respect and self control. He talked about making good choices and having focused eyes, minds, and bodies. It was a super lesson!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Setting Goals

The kids have started working towards their 2nd quarter AR goals! Here is the chart we are using to keep track of our points. If you have any questions about AR, check out the tab above or get a hold of me. Happy reading!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Sight Word Practice

Each student had a sight word on the back of his or her clipboard. I gave them a list of our class. They had to meet with each classmate and write the correct sight word by the correct name.

Friday, November 4, 2016


Better late than never! :) Here is a picture from our fire station visit last month! The Janesville firefighters taught us all about fire safety.